Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cape Lookout Camping Trip

This weekend we went on our first camping expedition of the year. We went over to the Coast to a place called Cape Lookout. We were able to enjoy an afternoon on the beach relaxing, and then later took a long hike on the Cape. It was about a two hour hike and was very beautiful. Parts of the hike the trail wasn't very wide and then there was nothing but a big, straight drop off from the cliff. All in all it was a pretty cool hike. The weather was cloudy as you can see, but it wasn't too terribly cold or windy which was nice. During the night while we slept there was a pretty steady rain, but fortunately it was no longer raining when we woke up in the morning. We are fortunate to have a good tent that keeps out the rain and water very well (thanks mom and dad), so we stayed warm and dry which was definitely nice.


Anonymous said...

I am glad that you were able to have a little weekend excursion. Sounds like you had fun. I love seeing all the pictures of the coasts and shorlines.

Jessica Davis said...

Roughin it! Does not sound like fun. I hate camping. I'm glad you both had fun though! Looks so beautiful in Oregon as usual. I am so freakin excited for you to come and spend the day with me! Yay! I will probably have a little belly by then. Right now it just looks like a fat roll. :(

Aundria said...

Those pictures are beautiful! I love the lighthouse.

If you guys want to take a weekend trip down to Southern California, let me know, you have an open invitation!

:) Andrea